Connecting AWS Chime SIP Lines

AWS Settings

This portion of the guide will show how to create an AWS Chime Voice Connector and purchase phone lines for use with VCOM Virtual Matrix.

A screenshot of the aws management console

From the AWS Management Console navigate to the Business Applications section and select Amazon Chime.

A screenshot of the aws chime menu

On the left select Phone number management, select the Orders tab and then click Provision phone numbers.

A screenshot of the aws voice connector menu

Select Voice Connector and then click Next. Follow the prompts to purchase a phone number.

A screenshot of the aws voice connector menu

On the left select Voice connectors and then click Create new voice connector.

A screenshot of the aws voice connector menu

Enter a name for your Voice Connector and Disable Encryption then click Create.

A screenshot of the aws voice connector menu

Select your new Voice Connector and navigate to the Termination tab. Set Termination status to enabled and then click New in the Allowed hosts list section.

A screenshot of the aws chime host list menu

Enter the IP address of your VCOM Virtual Matrix server and then click Save. Scroll down to the bottom of the Termination page and click Save.

A screenshot of the aws chime origination menu

Navigate to the Origination page and under Origination status select Enabled. Click New under the Inbound routes section.

A screenshot of the aws chime origination menu

In the Host section enter the IP address of your VCOM Virtual Matrix server then fill out the remaining fields as shown then click Add. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save.

A screenshot of the aws chime phone numbers menu

Navigate to the Phone numbers section and then click Assign from inventory. Select your desired phone number and then click Assign from inventory to add the line to the Voice Connector.

VCOM Settings

A screenshot of the VCOM system administration

Access the System Administration application either by clicking on the desktop shortcut or by entering the IP address of the VCOM server in your browser’s address bar. From the System Configuration tab select Client Configuration then click Add.

A screenshot of the VCOM system administration client configuration menu

For the Client Type select SIP: Direct IP Trunk and enter the Login Name in the format shown above. Add a Selector Talk/Listen name and then click Save.

A screenshot of the VCOM system administration client options button

Highlight the client you just created and then select Options from the menu.

A screenshot of the VCOM system administration sip trunk options

In the SIP Target Primary Host Name field enter your Voice Connector ID in the format

Note: When making an outbound call from VCOM you will need to precede the phone number with +1.

To use Direct IP Trunks such as AWS Chime SIP lines it is necessary to disable SIP Server Domain Authentication in the System Settings.